
Jesus loves you.

The Gospel is good news. The good news is that your sins may be forgiven, by accepting the Lamb of GOD as your eternal savior, the Lamb of GOD who takes away the sins of the world. See John 1:29

We all fall short.

We all fall short from the Glory of GOD. That person, this person, him, her, you, and me. GOD knows this and if we are truthful to ourselves, we know this as well. So do not beat yourself up and do not beat up others. Let us pray for each other. Family, Friends, & Enemies. Romans 3:23

Doubting Thomas

It is okay to have doubt and to have your faith rocked to your very core. This might be a part of growing as a believer. I have faith that what I write is in line with the scripture. If you find fault on this website, please let me know. If you have doubt in your faith, let Elohim know. We do not have all the answers. Seek and you shall find. John 20:24-29

The front lines

Peter probably did not cut off the ear standing in the back row. The front row, the front lines, is not for the faint of heart. But remain strong and vigilant my brothers and sisters. Let us pray for our church leaders. Pray for those that are targeted to be sifted as wheat. Luke 22:31-34

Before Abraham was

I am. John 8:58. A wonderful string of words that are extremely difficult to wrap our finite mind around. Anytime you find a sermon on this truth, cherish it, share it, and may it increase your faith.

How do I pray?

Matthew 6:9-13 The directions on how to pray are in the bible. What does it mean to you? What might it mean to someone else? What does it mean to a seasoned believer? What does it mean to a new believer?

Never give up

Luke 18:5

Handwriting on the wall

Daniel 5:5. A study on the book of Daniel is fascinating and just might super charge your faith. Ask for wisdom when reading this book and may your church leader be blessed in the delivery of these beautiful passages.

Show me your friends

1 Corinthians 15:33 You control who is and who is not your friend. When you follow Christ others will see the change in your behavior. They may or may not like that and that is okay. The kingdom is for everyone, but our season of seeking the kingdom may be different from others. Matthew 6:33

Proverbs is a start

The good news of accepting Jesus Christ and turning away from sin is very straightforward. We are not all theologians and we all did not go to seminary school. A simple, straightforward place to start is Proverbs.

Atheism vs. Agnostic

How does an atheist know, with infinite and absolute knowledge, that a GOD with infinite and absolute knowledge exists or does not exist? Just a question. This is not a question to cause division, but it is meant to be rhetorical. We all place our faith in that which we believe to be true.

Do your ears itch

2 Timothy 4:3 Finding a good local church might be a journey, but a home church with sound doctrine is a blessing. Support your local church.

When Christians fail

The evil one wants to destroy your Christian testimony. The evil one wants to destroy your life. The evil one wants to destroy your family. The christian life is not hard, it is impossible, we are all sinners, but GOD. GOD can restore, replace, and heal. Do not focus on the human messenger, focus of the Word of GOD. 1 Peter 5:8

Before Genesis 1:1

In the beginning. What does that mean ? Is there an infinite past ? I have heard, in the beginning, which has no beginning... I can't grasp all of this. Does this help solidify the relationship, The Father, The Son, & Holy Spirit? I just don't know, so I will focus on praying for others as well as for myself, for now.

Pray without ceasing

1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 When you do not know what to do, pray!


1 Peter 5:7


Proverbs 16:18. Galatians 6:1-3

Christian music rocks

I strongly suggest finding a Christian Radio Station.

The beginning of Wisdom

is fear of the LORD.

Most insignificant

The story of Gideon in the Book of Judges is inspiring to those who think of themselves as insignificant. Nobody is insignificant. Nobody.

none righteous

There is none righteous, no, not one. KJV

Fruit of the Spirit

Love, joy, peace, forebearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control Galatians 5:22-23 NIV

1/100th of the flock

Luke 15. This will tell you how valuable you are, how precious you are, and how loved you have always been.

Are you Weary

Matthew 11:28. Find a sermon from some church you have never heard of. There are many good bible teachers out there. If the preaching blesses you, pray for that messenger, that would be greatly appreciated.

When there is no king.

Judges 17:6. What do you worship? Who do you worship?

The work continues

Philipians 1:6. The broken and faults of our being that house the holy spirit are worked on until the work is finished.

Jesus and Outcasts

Did you Jesus eat with the outcasts of society? Find out in the book of Matthew.

Those sinners

It is easy to shun those sins which you have not committed, but others have. Behold and self-evaluate that the sin of pride has not entered into your heart.

A timely thorn

2nd Corinthians 12:7. Life is not always easy peasey, but grace.

Jehovah Shalom

Peace. Ask for it for yourself. Ask for peace for others.

2 Corinthians 11:14

Angel of light ?

Luke 22:44

Luke 22:32

Shame is the Devil's

atomic bomb in our lives, yours and mine. But GOD can heal. But GOD can redeem. But GOD can lift you up and keep you up. When the evil one reminds you of your past, focus on your future with Christ.